Wallace Instruments is a world-renowned manufacturer & supplier of materials testing equipment to over 60 countries worldwide.
Under new ownership, Wallace needed tocapitalise on an exceptional brand namestarted in the 1950’s and create ascaleable, efficient customer experienceand channel management solution inorder to support ambitious growth plans.
Wallace had been using Salesforce for anumber of years but the solution hadnever been optimised to support currentprocesses for global inbound enquiries orsales, service and parts quotations. Thenew Managing Director and Owner, ChrisNorval and the Sales and ServiceManager, Chris Mundy realised that a keycomponent in supporting planned growthinvolved substantially reducing the timetaken for reactive and often manual tasksso that key personnel could focus onimproved service and customerexperience for customers, agents andresellers.
InspireXT worked closely with Wallaceduring a number of workshops to fully understand and define current and future processes, internal and external stakeholder pain points and aspirations to radically improve the channel management strategy. New and revised business processes were then agreed to facilitate effective inbound enquiry management, lead and opportunity management, products and pricing allocations and a common process for quoting sales, service and parts. InspireXT then created a Phase 1 scope aimed at re-baselining existing Salesforcefoundations whilst delivering a suite of new functionality in a short space of time. A roadmap of Salesforce-based initiatives was also created to grow greater understanding of wider Salesforce functionality, avoid unnecessary third-party application investment and ensure the initial phase would be future-proof. High intensity detailed requirements gathering workshops were conducted and recorded to make sure that day today business operations were minimally impacted, the scope and benefits were clear and expectations around project delivery were aligned. This in turn allowed the InspireXT Business Analyst and Solution Architect to accelerate solution build and test.
The solution has freed up sales and service administration time in order to pre-actively follow up leads, opportunities and quotations. Other enquiries can easily be routed directly to other members of staff including the Engineering & Technical team for returns, technical queries and service requests.
Management escalations can be actioned with visibility of progress which has avoided admin time wasted in chasing up internal requests. The Sales &Service Manager is able to monitor and influence performance through the channels and the Managing Directordashboard provides significant insight into overall performance that was previously unavailable. The quotation creation process has been significantly streamlined and product pricing is more consistent and easier to manage across each of the respective channels and geographies.
Under new ownership, Wallace needed to capitalise on an exceptional brand name started in the 1950’s and create a scaleable, efficient customer experience and channel management solution in order to support ambitious growth plans.
Wallace had been using Salesforce for a number of years but the solution had never been optimised to support current processes for global inbound enquiries orsales, service and parts quotations. The new Managing Director and Owner, Chris Norval and the Sales and Service Manager, Chris Mundy realised that a key component in supporting planned growth involved substantially reducing the time taken for reactive and often manual tasks so that key personnel could focus on improved service and customer experience for customers, agents and resellers.
InspireXT worked closely with Wallace during a number of workshops to fully understand and define current and future processes, internal and external stakeholder pain points and aspirations to radically improve the channel management strategy. New and revised business processes were then agreed to facilitate effective inbound enquiry management, lead and opportunity management, products and pricing allocations and a common process for quoting sales, service and parts. InspireXT then created a Phase 1 scope aimed at re-baselining existing Salesforce foundations whilst delivering a suite of new functionality in a short space of time. A roadmap of Salesforce-based initiatives was also created to grow greater understanding of wider Salesforce functionality, avoid unnecessary third-party application investment and ensure the initial phase would be future-proof. High intensity detailed requirements gathering workshops were conducted and recorded to make sure that day today business operations were minimally impacted, the scope and benefits were clear and expectations around project delivery were aligned. This in turn allowed the InspireXT Business Analyst and Solution Architect to accelerate solution build and test.
InspireXT deployed a number of tools and accelerators during the course of the project, including:
Salesforce Sales Cloud was used to deliver the following functionality:
The solution has freed up sales and service administration time in order to pre-actively follow up leads, opportunities and quotations. Other enquiries can easily be routed directly to other members of staff including the Engineering & Technical team for returns, technical queries and service requests.
Management escalations can be actioned with visibility of progress which has avoided admin time wasted in chasing up internal requests. The Sales & Service Manager is able to monitor and influence performance through the channels and the Managing Director dashboard provides significant insight into overall performance that was previously unavailable. The quotation creation process has been significantly streamlined and product pricing is more consistent and easier to manage across each of the respective channels and geographies.
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